Eco Lifestyle And Home News – July 2020
Dear Friends, Clients, Business Associates and Neighbors,
July 2020 marks the forty-third edition of Eco Lifestyle and Home Newsletter produced by Kachina Mountain Realty. We offer Real Estate & Lifestyle news in the email newsletter covering Santa Fe, Taos Ski Valley, Taos County and beyond.
In this edition, we offer the following:
- Lifestyle: Success
- Real Estate Market Update
- Money Matters
- Santa Fe Real Estate News
- Taos County Real Estate News
- Home Decor Insights
- Sierra Updates!
- Calendar of Event Links for Santa Fe, Taos Ski Valley, Taos County & all around New Mexico
- Entertainment Links for Santa Fe, Taos County & around New Mexico
Update on COVID-19
COVID-19 is not going away soon. All around the country, places that opened up are seeing spikes in those effected by the virus. While New Mexico has opened up many businesses, we still need to wear face masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands for at least 20 seconds. I also urge people to wear disposable gloves while grocery shopping and touching surfaces outside your homes. We can not become complacent and start relaxing. Even if you catch the virus and have only minor symptoms, people are reporting lung damage and other horrible side effects many months later. Some people have got the virus twice and are permanently effected.
City of Santa Fe Passes Law Requiring Face Coverings with Penalties
Face masks will be with us for the next year or more, so why not have several on hand. Some people are wearing face masks as part of a fashion statement, with coordinated face masks to work with their clothing. Others are buying very expensive tech face masks, which can look very hip. Our face masks are very simple. Recycled 2 layers of cotton fabric with 1 layer of non woven interfacing, a nose bridge, and adjustable/replaceable elastic around the ears.
Making Face Masks For Family, Friends & Clients
Since March 2020, my sister, Valarie McKenzie, and I (Dianne McKenzie) have been making face masks for family, friends, neighbors and clients to be worn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Valarie lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, working as a massage therapist extraordinaire at the Bellagio Spa and is an amazing healer. She, like most of us, is basically out of work, as the Spa is closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. While realtors are considered essential businesses (most buyers & sellers are on hold for now), massage therapists are not able to work on clients. So during our “down time”, we started making face masks to give away for free.
Valarie and I come from several generations of seamstresses. Our Nana, was a “select gown” dressmaker in New Zealand and taught me to sew at a very early age. Our mother sewed all our clothes until I was in middle school, when I learned to sew all my own clothes. I was 25 years old before I bought my first “store bought dress”. Valarie learned to sew on her own. While we now live several states away from each other, we talk on our cell phones (FaceTime) almost every day.
We decided that since we both had a stock pile of fabric on hand, and had extra time to volunteer, that we should start sewing face masks. We have experimented with several designs and we are now settled on our version 4 of our face mask project. We have had lots of delays in making the masks working on a part time basis, as supplies for fabric, interfacing, elastic and nose bridges have been on back order from all internet sources.
Our version 4 face mask is to be worn when one is around other people. The face masks are designed by Valarie & Dianne, made with love, and 3 layers of washable fabric, including internal interfacing, for added protection. Wear your mask when you are out in public and routinely wash/dry. Together and part time, we have made over 150 face masks & are giving them away for free to family, friends, neighbors & clients (and anyone who needs a face mask, please contact me).
The face mask in our version 4 has a metal nose bridge that should be adjusted to fit your face. Try not to bend the nose bridge back to flat, as it will break if molded too frequently. The adjustable ear loops can be tightened, loosened or replaced as needed. The face mask should be worn so that the ear loop seam is on the inside of the mask.
Sierra, our silver standard poodle, has also become involved in our face mask efforts, by participating in several talking videos where she explains the importance of wearing face masks when around other people, social distancing, washing your hands frequently and stay-at-home precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can view her talking videos at:
PayPal Donations Needed for Face Mask Making
I have run out of some basic materials for now, therefore, I am taking a break from face mask sewing until we can fund our face mask making project (about $200 is needed for basic supplies, more to purchase additional fabric, once we run out). We are not purchasing any more materials until we can raise the money to keep making face masks. Once we reach our goal, we will order supplies and we will continue to make face mask and give them away for free to anyone who needs a face mask. While we each have the time to make the face masks, we need our own personal financial resources to go to our living expenses during this pandemic, especially since we do not know how long the pandemic will last and what the outcome will be. If you want to contribute to the material costs of making face masks, you can donate supplies and/or funds by contacting us ( or donating funds to our Paypal Account:
What are your needs? How can we help you?
Resources & Links:
Santa Fe Information: | New Mexico Information: |
Santa Fe Information » |» | » | |
Taos Information: | US Centers for Disease Control: | » |» |» | |» | |
Success is often defined as “The accomplishment of one’s goals. The attainment of wealth, position, and honors.” Where does happiness & joy come in? Does one have to wait to achieve the end goals in order to be successful? Is success the end of the game, something to be achieved in the future, just upon ones death bed or can one define success in the day-to-day accomplishments?
So what is success, how do we define success? Is success something we achieve by ourselves or is it something we experience while in relationship? Achieving ones goals is a key factor, but is lasting success is a part of the process along the way to achieving ones goals? If success is the end game and the process of achieving success is not filled with happiness and joy, what purpose does success serve?
I have been told that I have always wanted to “have my cake and eat it to”, and I suppose this is true. I want “it” now. I have never liked waiting. I want to create “it”, now. So I am choosing to be happy, now. I am discovering joy, now. And I am re-defining success, now, all along this journey alone and in relationship. If not now, when?
The adventure towards any goal is what brings value to it. The path towards the goal is where your life unfolds and where success is truly meaningful. When you are in the process of working to achieve something, you are experiencing who you are and what you’re made of. Your character is being tested and molded.
When you become aware of the importance of every step in the process of achieving success, you are sending a message to yourself, as well as the entire universe, that you are not only here, but qualified and ready to overcome obstacles along the way. All of which are essential ingredients for happiness and true success.”
Thank you for reading our newsletter & feel free to pass it on to other kindred spirits. ~ Dianne McKenzie
Real Estate Market Update
Local New Mexico Guidelines for Real Estate Showings
COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Open Houses
Please adhere to the following recommendations to minimize the exposure of REALTORS®, clients, and the public to COVID-19. These guidelines are for the protection of Sellers, Buyers, Realtors and the general public.
Prior to an Open House
- Virtual Tours for a property should be recommended before any in-person showings
- Discuss with seller the precautions that will be taken and adhere to any specific requirements requested
- Maintain one entry into a home
- Turn on lights, open closets, cabinet doors & window coverings
- Open doors and/or windows to allow outdoor ventilation
- Sanitize any possible touch points or common surfaces
- Create a log for visitor names and contact information
- Provide masks, sanitizer & disinfectant wipes
- Post sign at door with guidelines & include Broker contact info
During an Open House
- Require all visitors to complete the contact log
- Allow a max of 5 people (including broker) to tour at one time
- Allow only one group to tour at a time
- Require all visitors to sanitize hands and wear masks
- Require visitors to maintain 6 ft of social distancing
- Instruct visitors to avoid touching any surface in the home
- Restrict visitors from using the bathroom facilities
- Sanitize common surfaces after each visitor group
- Maintain the visitor log and request that visitors inform their Broker if they fall ill within 14 days of viewing the property
- An additional person in attendance should control entry and review guidelines with new arrivals
These guidelines are subject to change as the COVID-19 situation is changing how we do business and we all need to adapt to any new restrictions set forth by the New Mexico Real Estate Commission
For more information, visit NAR’s Showing Guidance Reopening »
Money Matters
Home sales have declined due to social distancing & economic unpredictability, but home prices are still strong across the nation. According to the National Association of Realtors®, overall sales decreased year-over-year, down 17.2% (4.33 million units in April 2020) from a year ago (5.23 million in April 2019). The national median existing single-family home price in the first quarter of 2020 was $274,600, up 7.7% from the first quarter of 2019. The national median existing single-family home price in the first quarter of 2020 was $274,600, up 7.7% from the first quarter of 2019 ($254,900).
Senior Economist for, George Raitu explains “The demand to work from home will remain strong motivating buyers to look for a separate space for that home office.”
As more companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google allow employees to continue to work remotely, the need to live in high-priced major metro markets declines. “I see prices flattening in those markets while secondary smaller more affordable cities become more desirable,” Raitu explains.
One concern buyers are facing in this real estate market is inventory constraints. Consider the number of new homes for sale was down 45 percent year-over-year in April. Sellers are continuing to hold off on listing their homes given pricing challenges.
Even if buyers can find a home, they may not be able to secure a loan. Mortgage rates are forecast to drop to a historic below three percent. That’s normally good news for buyers. In today’s new reality the lenders are increasingly getting tougher on qualifying criteria. In these uncertain times the remainder of 2020 looks to be on the rocky side for the country’s real estate markets.
Which then brings us to the real estate market in Santa Fe & Taos. These markets are generally second homes for many people. However there is a trend to move from the cities to smaller, “safer” environmentally “cleaner” areas while working from home. Unfortunately, the inventory for available home at affordable rices is very limited. In the coming months I will start describing a new development that could be the answer to many buyers & sellers concerns.
Santa Fe Real Estate News
Aldea Stats
2020 Stats: Sold, Pending, Listed
SOLD: 17 Homes, DOM 43 | 0 Lots, DOM 0
PENDING: 8 Homes | 1 Lots
LISTED: 10 Homes, Avg $589,850 | 5 Lots, Avg $71,200
Aldea de Santa Fe consists of 345 acres, with 205 acres of perpetual open space with 13 miles of walking trails, basketball & tennis courts, community center, (which offers yoga classes, exercise equipment & gathering space for events), a local cafe, superbly located in the high-value northwest corridor of Santa Fe County, with easy access to Highway 599, all just 10 minutes from downtown Santa Fe.
Current Listings June 27, 2020:
Las Campanas Real Estate News
2020 Stats: Sold, Pending, Listed
SOLD: 26 Homes, DOM 142 | 26 Lots, DOM 207
PENDING: 10 Homes | 7 Lots
LISTED: 43 Homes, Avg $1,922,581 | 56 Lots, Avg $204,414
There are currently 43 homes for sale in Las Campanas.
- 4 Homes under $1,000,000
- 39 Homes over $1,000,000
There are currently 56 Lots for sale in Las Campanas.
- 16 Lots under $100,000
- 40 Lots over $100,000
Marketing Properties, Not Just Listing Properties
If you are thinking of selling your property, why not list it with a realtor who will market the property, not just list it in the MLS? By actively marketing your property, the property gets the most exposure to other realtors and to the general public through online blogging, email campaigns & the typical MLS exposure.
Call me, Dianne, 505.603.9300, to discuss your property needs, or for a tour of Lots & Homes in Aldea, Las Campanas and the Santa Fe region.
Taos Office: 575.776.7576
Visit the website for Santa Fe information:
Visit the Kachina Mountain Realty company main website:
Taos Real Estate News
2020 Stats: Sold, Pending, Listed
*SOLD: 71 Homes, DOM 177 | 27 Lots, DOM 381
*PENDING: 49 Homes | 15 Lots
*LISTED: 173 Homes, Avg $628,373 | 189 Lots, Avg $177,287
* Areas tracked:
Lower North, Upper North, West North, Town of Taos, Taos Ski Valley, South West, South East
See map for areas »
Recently, I have received inquiries from out of town buyers who are researching homes in the Taos area. These buyer profiles are looking to live in a safe community, with a country atmosphere, small homes, with flexible spaces. They are wanting to move to the area, but can’t find the properties that offer amenities that don’t include huge HOA fees. They want walking trails, localized eateries, a small grocery store, community activities and a sense of neighborhood. The are either downsizing their home and retiring or wanting a second home. They are wanting to go smaller, but the quality of their lifestyle and home features are upscale. “Does such a community even exist?” they ask.
In the coming months, I will be featuring such a community.
If you have been thinking about selling your home, now is probably a good time. Inventory is low and the demand for quality homes is up.
Call our Taos Office: 575.776.7576
Home Decor Insights
Keep Your Home Safe From COVID-19
You might already know most of this information, but it is important to follow these guidelines to help stay safe. I am re-posting this information again for the month of May, as the stay-at-home emergency public guidelines are in effect for the month of May.
The CDC urges individuals to take these measures to protect themselves and others:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Practice social distancing by staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
- Stay home if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other cold or flu-like symptom.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
All households
- Clean hands at the door and at regular intervals
- Create habits and reminders to avoid touching their face and cover coughs and sneezes
- Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and handrails regularly
- Disinfect all deliveries, mail & items brought from the outside, including the grocery store. Disinfect while outside, BEFORE you bring in any packages inside your home
- Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning
- Make your own face masks to use when in public in order to save face masks for those working with patients
Households with vulnerable seniors or those with significant underlying conditions
Significant underlying conditions include heart, lung, kidney disease; diabetes; allergies & asthma; and conditions that suppress the immune system
- Have the healthy people in the household conduct themselves as if they were a significant risk to the person with underlying conditions. For example, wash hands frequently before interacting with the person, such as by feeding or caring for the person
- If possible, provide a protected space for vulnerable household members
- Ensure all utensils and surfaces are cleaned regularly
Households with sick family members
- Give sick members their own room if possible, and keep the door closed
- Have only one family member care for them
- Consider providing additional protections or more intensive care for household members over 65 years old or with underlying conditions
Stay safe everyone and let me know how I can help you.
For ideas on decorating with spring in mind, check out Pinterest and explore a whole new way to spend your time online and check out my Pinterest page: KachinaRealty Happy pinning!

CFO, (Chief Fun Officer)
Our 1 year old silver standard poodle
Sierra: June 1-30, 2020
Sierra, our female silver standard poodle, is now for 1.3 years old. This past year has gone by so fast and Sierra has changed so much from the tiny 8 week old puppy to now almost a full grown standard poodle. We adore her, as she adds joy, entertainment and love.
I weigh & measure Sierra once a month, so here are her stats as of June 18: 14″collar, girth: 22.5″, height to shoulder: 24″ weight: 33lbs.
You really need to watch Sierra’s videos as they capture her spirit!
Here is the link to Sierra’s Videos »
Sierra’s 1st video explains who she is and her new role at Kachina Mountain Realty. In Sierra’s 2nd video she talks about Dianne’s role at Kachina Mountain Realty in the era of COVID-19. In Sierra’s 3rd video, Sierra talks about selling and buying real estate during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sierra’s 4th video she talks about how staying safe in the era of COVID-19.
Sierra June link to Photos »
Sierra’s web page:
More photos will be continually posted on her own web page, so check back monthly, as we chronicle her life with us!
Calendar of Events
New Mexico has long been a center for arts, culture, classes and gourmet food. With such a strong art market, there are hundreds galleries to explore and experience, along with a wide selection of thriving restaurants. Our Museums feature culture, history and traditions of the region and the world. Santa Fe, Taos County and beyond have something scheduled every day & night of the week, all year long.
Santa Fe »
If there’s one thing you can count on when spending time in New Mexico, it’s the treasured experiences and wide selection of entertainment: music venues, great sporting events, theatrical and musical entertainment as well as year-round festivals.
From festivals, music concerts and dance performances to theatrical offerings by local and touring groups, the performing artists work hard to keep its locals and visitors entertained by both New Mexico performers and acclaimed stars from around the world.
Santa Fe »
About Kachina Mountain Realty
I am passionate about real estate development. I consider myself a “Dream Maker”, and strive to help my clients manifest their dreams and lifestyle goals.
I believe that, “…the dreams which accompany all human actions should be nurtured by the places in which people live and work”.
To promote this possibility, I encourages my clients to develop and share their dreams and lifestyle goals as part of the process of selling, buying or investing in property.
I have over thirty years of business experience as an executive producer, web architect, social media marketer, business developer, architecture assistant, real estate marketing developer and real estate consultant.
I am a licensed real estate qualifying broker for Kachina Mountain Realty & an accredited ACRE® real estate consultant. I have worked in the Santa Fe & Taos real estate market for years. I specialize in working with buyers and sellers who are looking for a solid real estate investment.
Contact me, Dianne McKenzie, for your real estate transactions & let me help you manifest your dreams!
I am readily available by cell phone, text, (505.603.9300) & email. I return calls promptly, seven days a week!
Taos Office: 575.776.7576

Dianne & Sierra
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